

Parfois, la réponse est juste devant vous. Nous avons compilé une liste de questions fréquemment posées qui pourraient vous apporter une réponse plus rapidement que de nous contacter. Toutefois, n’hésitez pas à contacter notre formulaire de contact et nous vous répondrons dans les meilleurs délais.

As an apprentice with 2600 hours in BC (who needs 6000), I have been offered a contract. How long can I keep those 2600 for without losing them?2018-11-12T06:49:16-07:00

Contact the Electrical Contractors Association of British Columbia office at the following link: www.eca.bc.ca

I am a qualified electrician in New Zealand/Australia and would like to live and work in Canada one day as an electrician. Could you point me in the right direction when it comes to getting my license changed over? I understand Canada will have different laws/practices/codes that I will most probably need to study/do an exam.2018-11-12T06:47:54-07:00

Requirements are different for each province. We have a Licensing page on our website that lists some information for each province. www.ceca.org/licensing   Each page will have a link to the provincial association.

If you can’t find what you are looking for in the licensing section, you can visit the provincial associations. Ontario has a good FAQ section. You will find the following information on there site, listing who to contact.

Contact the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities at www.tcu.edu.gov.on.ca.

I am a young lady from Ontario seeking information and resources on starting an apprenticeship in the Electrical trade. Any help will be greatly appreciated.2018-11-12T06:47:31-07:00

If you are looking for an apprenticeship in Ontario, you can visit the ECAO website and search for “Become an Electrician”. It will tell you everything you need to know about starting an apprenticeship in Ontario.
Additional websites to visit for more information on the career of Electrician are at:


I’m an electrical contractor in Ontario. I am looking to take EVITP training course. (Electric vehicle infrastructure training program) I am not a union electrician neither union contractor. I couldn’t take this course thru IBEW union hall. Where can I go to take this course? I am willing to travel out of the province if this course is offered.2018-11-12T06:48:47-07:00

There are no non-union training courses for EVITP offered in Ontario. The only non-union training course offered is in British Columbia. Contact the BC Electrical Joint Training Committee for more information. Website is www.ejtc.org.

If I have a Master Electrician license and a Contractor’s license in Ontario, are any provinces east of Ontario, reciprocating, such as Quebec and further east?2018-10-25T11:26:39-06:00

Visit our licensing page for licensing requirements across Canada.

What are other career jobs I can do if I become an electrician?2018-11-12T06:48:12-07:00

Once you become a certified journeyperson electrician you can continue your education and have a career in the following:

  • Foreman
  • Estimator
  • Project Manager
  • Electrical Contractor
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Electrical Technician/Technologist
  • Safety Inspector
  • Instructor
What requirements are necessary for an Ontario IBEW registered electrical contractor to hire IBEW electricians in New Brunswick for an upcoming project?2018-10-25T11:24:24-06:00

See the licensing page to obtain information on electrical licensing in each province/territory.

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